Saturday, 1 December 2012

Introducing #DreamSofar

It's here. #DreamSofar.

It's your chance to tell Twitter which 5 artists/bands would make up your #DreamSofar. It's your chance to find out which 5 artists/bands would make up various people in the industry's #DreamSofar. It's your chance to make your #DreamSofar a reality.

The Twitter names of the 5 artists/bands that would make up your #DreamSofar. @Sofarsounds. The hashtag #DreamSofar. Put all of these in a Tweet and just maybe, with a little luck, your #DreamSofar could happen.

We have but 1 rule when it comes to your 5 artists/bands. You are only allowed 5. That means your 5 can be already famous, any genre, even dead! You get the idea. Have more than 5? Changed your mind after you've sent your Tweet to us? Don't worry, #DreamSofar will be back. When? Well, you'll just have to look out for the clues we leave on our Twitter and Facebook as to who's telling us about their #DreamSofar next.

To give you a little inspiration, we've asked varous people in the industry to tell us who would make up their #DreamSofar, and why. As it's December 1st, and thus officially the start of Christmas, we thought what better excuse than for the artists/bands playing our special Christmas Sofar to start proceedings (you'll find the #DreamSofar of the first on our line-up, Beachwalk Canvas, below).

Strength comes in numbers. Tweet. Retweet. Reply. Favourite. Just remember, the power is in the hashtag #DreamSofar.

Beachwalk Canvas, who made a hugely successful Sofar debut on October 2nd of this year, are a young indie-folk band from West London, comprised out of two brothers and one sister of the same family, with new material out early next year. Their #DreamSofar would be made up of:

Bishop Allen (Becky's choice):

'They have probably been the biggest influence for Beachwalk Canvas. Before we became a band, we used to play their songs together, and still do! As a three piece they have a great mix of lively and relaxed songs.'

The National (Lee's choice):

'Certainly one of my biggest inspirations. They have written so many great songs across so many great albums! Beautiful music with the incredible melancholy vocals of Matt Berninger. They would completely captivate any Sofar Sounds audience.'

Sufjan Stevens (Matt's choice):

'He is probably my favourite artist and has been since I first heard him. The instrumentation varies so much across his songs and they would be great for a sing along. With ten Christmas EP's, he would be perfect for a festive Sofar session.'

Sigur Ros (the band's choice):

'Listening to their songs is a mind, body and soul experience, from hazy weightless relaxation to awe inspiring walls of sound. May cause tears, uncontrollable grinning or throw you into a state of blissful paralysis.'

I'm From Barcelona (the band's choice):

'A twenty-nine piece, insanely happy Swedish band. What more do you need to know? One of the most fun evenings you're likely to experience!'

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